The challenges during 2020 forced us to cancel the membership meetings and the recreational ride. Still, look at all we were able to accomplish:
- We held the annual membership meeting in February, with a pizza and potluck dinner and election of board members, followed by a candidate forum of local office seekers.
- After the horrific slaughter of a horse in Corrales, we organized the GoFundMe account Justice for Rocky, collecting over $25,000, including a $1000 donation from CHAMP (your dues at work), which was given to Albuquerque Crime Stoppers to offer a reward.
- You sent in over 15 entries to the photo contest this summer. The winners received gift cards to local businesses.
- After several incidents, we worked with Corrales Fire Department Chief Martinez to get a horse-friendly new crossing at Romero Road for access to the Bosque.
- The CHAMP Facebook page continues to be the go-to point for anyone wanting current, local information about events, horses to buy/sell, boarding, products, recommendations for a vet, farrier, or trainer, tack to buy or sell, a place to stay for a vacation or longer-term, clinics and other events, literally anything connected to the equine world in Corrales.
- Our tireless president, Patti Flanagan, responded to numerous inquiries, questions, and requests for assistance regarding resources for equine owners, activities, rules and regulations, neighbor disputes, etc.
Did we miss anything? Let us know at